Note: Clicking the links below will take you directly to the download file, which means a pkg will start downloading. I’ve done this to help ease any confusion about which items to download.

Step 1: Download & Install R

Step 2: Download & Install RStudio

Step 3: Download & Install Latex for Windows (MikTex)


  • After downloading, run the MiKTeX installer by opening the download package.
  • When prompted, choose to install missing packages automatically.
  • At this point you are done!

Screenshot 1

Image: After downloading, run the MiKTeX installer by opening the download package

Image: After downloading, run the MiKTeX installer by opening the download package

Screenshot 2

Image: When prompted, choose to install missing packages automatically.

Image: When prompted, choose to install missing packages automatically.

Step 4: Install rmarkdown with RStudio


  • Open RStudio from your applications folder.
  • Then, copy & paste this code into the console:
  • If the console prompts you to install dependencies, type “y” and hit enter.

Console Example

Image: Once you paste the code, you should hit enter.

Image: Once you paste the code, you should hit enter.